Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you: single sphere waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Hangzhou Pepsi Cola beverage project information. Songjiang group provides stainless steel flange flexible rubber pipe joint for many beverage enterprises. The rubber is produced from EPDM. The following is a detailed introduction.

Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

Introduction to Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station

Guangzhao Hydropower Station is located in the middle reaches of Beipan River at the junction of Guanling and Jinglong counties in Guizhou Province, with an altitude of more than 600 meters. It is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The landform is mainly mountainous. Most of the river valley sections are seriously cut and the relative height difference is large. It belongs to subtropical plateau monsoon climate, with a frost free period of 356 days throughout the year. As the “leader” of Beipanjiang station, it focuses on power generation and takes into account shipping, irrigation, water supply and other water conservancy projects. The drainage area above the dam site is 13548 square kilometers, the annual average flow is 257 cubic meters / second, the normal water level is 745m, the backwater length of the reservoir is 69km, the reservoir area is 51.54 square kilometers, the total storage capacity is 3.245 billion cubic meters, the corresponding storage capacity of the normal storage level is 3.135 billion cubic meters, and the regulation storage capacity is 2.037 billion cubic meters, which is an incomplete regulation reservoir. The installed capacity of the power station is 1040mw, and the annual average power generation is 2.754 billion kw h。

Guangzhao Hydropower Station, located in the middle reaches of Beipan River in Guizhou, is a large-scale hydropower project of the second batch of “four water and six fire” power point construction projects of “west to East power transmission” in Guizhou. With an installed capacity of 1040mw and a dam height of 200.5m, the power station is the world’s highest RCC gravity dam. Within three years from commencement to completion, a 200m world high dam was built, rewriting the RCC dam building record in terms of speed and quality, creating an advanced level of dam building in China.


Contract introduction of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project


Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

Application case of NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joint in Guizhou Guangzhao Hydropower Station project

NBR oil resistant waterworks flexible rubber pipe joints are mostly used in grease pipelines, which can well resist pipeline corrosion caused by grease. The oil resistant rubber joint is made of polyester cord fabric with high strength and strong cold and heat stability, and the inner and outer rubber layers are blended with it, with smooth and seamless marks. The label is vulcanized and combined with the product. The quality of oil resistant rubber joints is very good, and the price is much higher than that of ordinary rubber joints. This is because the cost price of the material itself is higher than that of ordinary rubber, so the price of oil resistant rubber joints is higher.


Related links: Oil resistant Water Pump Rubber Expansion Joints

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